Breathing Of Fish
When we go see a doctor to heal illness of the mind, doctors often use retrospection through colors, pictures and conversations to check and access our psychological state. Based on this context, these things were incorporated in the Breathing Wall.
Necessary, but cumbersome.
For people with cardiovascular issues, keeping constant track of blood pressure and heart rates is a necessary but often cumbersome task.
Federal financial incentives have driven providers (38.2%) to adopt health information technology.
Hospitals were more likely to implement EHR functions to record patient demographics, vital signs, and smoking status than they were functions for electronically submitted lab reports, health surveillance data, summary records for patient transitions between care settings, and functionalities for patient use.
from via PS
Compare, Identify, Act On
However long, or short, the moment of bundled payments will be, the fundamental tasks - compare, identify, act on - will always need to be solved.