
Breathing Of Fish

When we go see a doctor to heal illness of the mind, doctors often use retrospection through colors, pictures and conversations to check and access our psychological state. Based on this context, these things were incorporated in the Breathing Wall.

Breathing wall 


Can't Not Look

Designers, by in large, are compulsive observers. They can't not look. 

HC: Guess what my question is going to be?

BS: What?

HC: Is looking enough?

BS: No, but it's where we start.

HC: I like that answer.  

Douglas C. Engelbart, Inventor of the Computer Mouse, Dies at 88

From the New York TImes:  

"In his epiphany, he saw himself sitting in front of a large computer screen full of different symbols — an image most likely derived from his work on radar consoles while in the Navy after World War II. The screen, he thought, would serve as a display for a workstation that would organize all the information and communications for a given project."

Not sure how long the link will last.